Reshma Gopakumar : My hostel mate for 4 years.
She is our dearest chammu, our non-stop chatter box, always laughing and cheerful ... she is the maveli of the hostel. In spite of living quite far off, she tends to commute a lot, and is rarely seen in the hostel, especially during exam time ... she is an easy going girl, who is fun to hang around with. She is an independent girl, who can handle people, who is loyal to her friends and a sincere friend. She is always there for her friends and can be counted upon to be there for you. She is also very adjusting and accommodating. Her high pitch voice and laugh still rings in my mind when I think of her. She is someone you wouldn't easily forget once you have met her, and its quite easy to like her.

- Friends (56)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Serin Philips
My hostel mate for 4 years.
She was also a member of the college basketball team with me. She is an innocent and naive girl ... who is really simple minded and honest. She is of the most pavam girl I have seen. She loves sports and loved playing basketball. She is also a very caring person. She really doesn't understand a lot of things happening around her and can ask you some surprising doubts, about things you expect anyone to know. She is also worse than me at knowing when someone wants to be left alone ... (I kinda don't notice things when I barge in, but once I hear someone speak I realise it mostly ... but she unfortunately wouldn't know it unless someone tells her ... and then also she would have a puzzled expression sometimes) . But she is really a good hearted creature and people do know that she doesn't barge in on purpose and that its because she doesn't know ... he he. She really is a sweet girl with the best of intentions. She is also extremely strong physically and tends to forget to check her strength when dealing with some of the "handle with care" friends of mine like Paru. She is also a frank and open person, who loves to keep in touch with friends. She always makes the effort and stays connected with everyone. She is a friend worth having ...
She was also a member of the college basketball team with me. She is an innocent and naive girl ... who is really simple minded and honest. She is of the most pavam girl I have seen. She loves sports and loved playing basketball. She is also a very caring person. She really doesn't understand a lot of things happening around her and can ask you some surprising doubts, about things you expect anyone to know. She is also worse than me at knowing when someone wants to be left alone ... (I kinda don't notice things when I barge in, but once I hear someone speak I realise it mostly ... but she unfortunately wouldn't know it unless someone tells her ... and then also she would have a puzzled expression sometimes) . But she is really a good hearted creature and people do know that she doesn't barge in on purpose and that its because she doesn't know ... he he. She really is a sweet girl with the best of intentions. She is also extremely strong physically and tends to forget to check her strength when dealing with some of the "handle with care" friends of mine like Paru. She is also a frank and open person, who loves to keep in touch with friends. She always makes the effort and stays connected with everyone. She is a friend worth having ...
Friday, March 27, 2009
Shilpa Stephen
Shilpa: My hostel mate for four years
She is a small, round, sweet friend of mine, always with a ready smile on her face. She has a cheery personality. She is a quiet girl, with a nice personality, determination, takes responsibilities seriously, someone you can count on. She is also really caring about her friends. She has a pet "puppy", pinky who is almost up to our shoulders ( and in her case is as tall as her) when it stands on two legs ... whom she is very fond of. Most people get a scare seeing the puppy, but she is a really friendly Alsatian, who is really very playful and not at all dangerous ... I guess I loved the dog very much when I visited her place. She loves having good food, and I had a fun time staying at her place, and we went out and saw different places ... and in general had fun ... She is a cute, cool, nice friend to have!!!
She is a small, round, sweet friend of mine, always with a ready smile on her face. She has a cheery personality. She is a quiet girl, with a nice personality, determination, takes responsibilities seriously, someone you can count on. She is also really caring about her friends. She has a pet "puppy", pinky who is almost up to our shoulders ( and in her case is as tall as her) when it stands on two legs ... whom she is very fond of. Most people get a scare seeing the puppy, but she is a really friendly Alsatian, who is really very playful and not at all dangerous ... I guess I loved the dog very much when I visited her place. She loves having good food, and I had a fun time staying at her place, and we went out and saw different places ... and in general had fun ... She is a cute, cool, nice friend to have!!!
Rajitha Rajan
Rajitha: My hostel mate for 4 years
She is a girl many people get the wrong impression about ... when you first see her you see a rough and tough, fiery personality, who seems like a strong headed female, who seems to be taking on all kinds of challenges ... who could probably take on the world. She has in fact done plenty of daring stuff others wouldn't have during our fun filled Christmas dare seasons. And she can seem like really a crazy gal during exam time, as she is always very nervous and frustrated during those times, and become really absent minded, speaks her mind and scolds her friends when she sees them not studying ... he he he ... (and the already curly and unmanageable hair of hers standing like getting an electric shock after her short naps between study sessions helps to complete the picture! ;) ). But truth be told she is a sensitive and emotional being, who really isn't like what she seems. People really do misunderstand her. She does have guts and she is really responsible. Now she, having taken up teaching, I believe she is like a strict teacher. But I guess she is one of those kinds who doesn't know how to express her love and affections, maybe because of the fear of being vulnerable to manipulations. Guess its just a fear of getting hurt when coming down to things. Anyway she is a sincere person, who really is sweet in person, in spite of her seemingly tough exterior. So if you happen to be her friend do know that her feelings does get hurt real fast, and she is not as tough as she looks ... but she will be a true friend to you ...
She is a girl many people get the wrong impression about ... when you first see her you see a rough and tough, fiery personality, who seems like a strong headed female, who seems to be taking on all kinds of challenges ... who could probably take on the world. She has in fact done plenty of daring stuff others wouldn't have during our fun filled Christmas dare seasons. And she can seem like really a crazy gal during exam time, as she is always very nervous and frustrated during those times, and become really absent minded, speaks her mind and scolds her friends when she sees them not studying ... he he he ... (and the already curly and unmanageable hair of hers standing like getting an electric shock after her short naps between study sessions helps to complete the picture! ;) ). But truth be told she is a sensitive and emotional being, who really isn't like what she seems. People really do misunderstand her. She does have guts and she is really responsible. Now she, having taken up teaching, I believe she is like a strict teacher. But I guess she is one of those kinds who doesn't know how to express her love and affections, maybe because of the fear of being vulnerable to manipulations. Guess its just a fear of getting hurt when coming down to things. Anyway she is a sincere person, who really is sweet in person, in spite of her seemingly tough exterior. So if you happen to be her friend do know that her feelings does get hurt real fast, and she is not as tough as she looks ... but she will be a true friend to you ...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Mary Tessy
Mary Tessy Ferdinand :My hostel mate in college for 4 years.
This is a quiet girl, who is extremely creative. She can be seen doing some craft or another, drawing with charcoal, using what she finds around to convert into her own small contributions into the art world of her room ... Some of her drawings had been really beautiful and so had been some of the stuff she made, one pen stand she made with the fruit of rubber tree I remember in particular ...
She is a very intelligent and smart girl, who loves to fight (fun) , and is the best example of size does not matter, as she is shorter than many girls around and still she can beat up most of them ... ;) ... She looks like a harmless non-violent girl, so I really have to say "appearances can be deceiving". She is fun to be with, and the kind with whom u can spend time without having to exchange a word and still feel nothing amiss and perfectly enjoy your time. Her favourite past time is watching TV and sleeping, and she cud sleep all hours of the day and does not follow any particular sleeping pattern. She is a sincere person, and someone whom you can trust. I guess I am glad to have met her and to have had the chance to be friends with her ...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
This dear friend of mine ... was my hostelmate, and we were also in the same basketball team. She was a little quiet, but always goofy and funny, and with a constant smile to her face. She is always cheerful and has a high spirit. She was one of the best players, save for a shortage of stamina. She is a hard working girl, who is dedicated to whatever she does. She is also a mature person who is opinionated and comes accross as reliable, and having a sound personality. She is a cool and sincere friend to have. You will definitely love her company. Thats all I got to say for now.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Calming a storm!
I just don't know what gets into me these days. I need very little to feel extremely happy or extremely sad. Its just so bad, that I feel sad when I clearly shouldn't, and when its just because I expect things which have no guarantee to happen. I have to stop expecting things and just taking life as it comes, as I used to do before. But I guess a lot of time in one's hands makes it difficult not to build castles in the air. The sad fact is my castles seem to crash again and again, and I still continue to build more, and it is kinda getting frustrating.
Maybe I should move on. Stop expecting things to happen. Do what I feel like doing. Be less desperate about being lonely, and think of just happy thoughts. It is possible to enjoy life, enjoy the peace once I could stop worrying about all these unnecessary things. I don't need anything right now, if I think in retrospect. I am not hurting anybody, I have all the time in the world to do what ever I want to do. And to top it off my cat is nearing its term in pregnancy and I have kittens to take care of soon. So what in the world is my problem? Hmmm ... now I feel a lot better. I guess I have decided to enjoy this freedom while it lasts. Not bother about anything at all, and just live for the moment.
P.S : This was self counselling. Guess it worked. :) . I feel a lot better now!
Maybe I should move on. Stop expecting things to happen. Do what I feel like doing. Be less desperate about being lonely, and think of just happy thoughts. It is possible to enjoy life, enjoy the peace once I could stop worrying about all these unnecessary things. I don't need anything right now, if I think in retrospect. I am not hurting anybody, I have all the time in the world to do what ever I want to do. And to top it off my cat is nearing its term in pregnancy and I have kittens to take care of soon. So what in the world is my problem? Hmmm ... now I feel a lot better. I guess I have decided to enjoy this freedom while it lasts. Not bother about anything at all, and just live for the moment.
P.S : This was self counselling. Guess it worked. :) . I feel a lot better now!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Tug of War between mind and heart
This is not the first time that I feel my heart wanting something and my mind not agreeing. Nor is it going to be the last time. My heart often wish that it could do what it wants, could save a lot of heart ache. But in the constant struggle between mind and heart it is often necessary for the heart to surrender so that it could save loosing the mind.
There is always certain things that the heart always wants, and this time its no different. It feels it is not meant to live alone, and it seeks for the company of another, it feels it has a lot to share and aches for one to be present. It does not understand reason and it keeps searching for one to fill the void it feels.
The mind cannot just let the heart follow its path however without, considering a million other factors, which are needed for this entity to survive in this world of today, and make something out of its life here. So often it has to decide to put on hold the hearts persistent plea, and channel resources to other things it considers need to be done.
There have been times, the heart took over the mind, cut off the mind from the entity and had its way. But that resulted in the consequences the mind had tried to prevent, which the mind had warned the heart before it was cut loose. Then again for the little joy the heart had, resulted in more ache later as eventually the mind came back, on the request of the heart to save this entity from loosing its path in life. These choices are often tough on the heart and it would end up mourning for long. That makes life unhappy for the entity. But thankfully this entity has an ever optimistic mind that communicates with the heart, consoles it and let it have hope.
Now again the mind rules, the heart (who now is of the state of once bitten twice shy) decides to let the mind make the decisions. But cant say there arent turbulent periods when the heart feels so depraved and begs the mind to let it have what it seeks, to follow the path it yearns. And hence again the struggle continues, and hope the heart has its due and gets what it so desires and then the mind and the heart can follow the same path as one and rule the entity( being me ) together.
There is always certain things that the heart always wants, and this time its no different. It feels it is not meant to live alone, and it seeks for the company of another, it feels it has a lot to share and aches for one to be present. It does not understand reason and it keeps searching for one to fill the void it feels.
The mind cannot just let the heart follow its path however without, considering a million other factors, which are needed for this entity to survive in this world of today, and make something out of its life here. So often it has to decide to put on hold the hearts persistent plea, and channel resources to other things it considers need to be done.
There have been times, the heart took over the mind, cut off the mind from the entity and had its way. But that resulted in the consequences the mind had tried to prevent, which the mind had warned the heart before it was cut loose. Then again for the little joy the heart had, resulted in more ache later as eventually the mind came back, on the request of the heart to save this entity from loosing its path in life. These choices are often tough on the heart and it would end up mourning for long. That makes life unhappy for the entity. But thankfully this entity has an ever optimistic mind that communicates with the heart, consoles it and let it have hope.
Now again the mind rules, the heart (who now is of the state of once bitten twice shy) decides to let the mind make the decisions. But cant say there arent turbulent periods when the heart feels so depraved and begs the mind to let it have what it seeks, to follow the path it yearns. And hence again the struggle continues, and hope the heart has its due and gets what it so desires and then the mind and the heart can follow the same path as one and rule the entity( being me ) together.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Deepti Skaria
Hostelmate in college hostel for 4 years
This girl had been one of the most absent minded creature I have seen, and a solace to me coz we are always confused as to who is worse. She is a girl very much interested in sports and the days we spent playing basketball is unforgettable. She was the rough and tough player in the team, he he, I mean she is the strongest girl in our hostel, and definitely was happy that she was on my side. ;). She is also a girl with fixed aim and ambition, who knows what she is doing, who has a strong character and definite ideals and morals. She was our motta, but the last photo I had seen of her, she had grown her hair long, but still I guess motta she will be, as four years nickname is hard to change. She was always good at taking up some event to do and was dedicated in whatever she does. She loves diarymilk and sweets are her weakness. She also has a terrible direction sense, but manages to reach her destination without too much trouble. She is also extremely restless, and every movement she makes seems to take up a lot of energy. She is one cool friend and a person I wouldnt forget.
Moi Instinct
Well I have this habit of following my instinct and doing things. When I say following my instinct it doesn't always mean I am doing things on the spur of the moment, no. I sometimes really do feel like doing something, and it may not seem to have a logical reason, or plausible explanation of why I feel like doing so at that moment. And at such times I don't just do what ever I feel just like that, but give it some thought for a couple of days or more. But usually one way or another I still end up doing what I felt the desire to do, be it sooner or later. So anyway I have accepted the facts that I follow my instincts and I try not to cause too much damage to the external factors such as other people involved in my action which my instinct tells me to do. I often tend to think about it by putting myself in the place of the people involved and try to understand what my actions would mean to them. And well if some of my actions are definitely going to cause some strong reactions I at least try to make my actions less of an explosive surprise as possible. I never like to hurt anyone else as far as possible, and if a situation arises where in it is inevitable to hurt someone the least I could do is to reduce the effects of it as much as I possibly can. And I do know my intentions not being to hurt wouldn't mean the person would feel any better about it, but sometimes I really have to do certain things for following what I believe in.
I often do things because that's what I believe is the right thing to do, and well different people have their own rights and wrongs, and I do accept that and I don't expect others to follow my beliefs. But I follow my heart, my instincts and my sense of righteousness in my actions except when I am confronted with choosing a path where in there is nothing "right", if I am to go forward I have to do "wrong". Then its a choice of the less damaging wrong. Anyway my life is not based on a planned or set path, I rarely plan ahead. I just follow a path as life takes me along, and usually restrict myself to doing things for immediate future. When two roads appear in front of me I follow my instinct and choose the road. And to be perfectly honest the reason I am still doing so is because my instincts have seldom let me down. And by seldom I should be tempted to say only a hand full of times, and those where due to other perfectly natural urges a human being has which the artificiality of the "civilized world" has connoted into a set of "rights" and "wrongs" that cannot be explained to the natural urges. So there where times when my "civilized human mind" could not win against the strength of nature's designs. Hence I have to say such instincts have made me slightly feel regretful of my actions simply because I tend to be confused in certain of my "right" actions, which have been embedded into me by my society and my current social environment. But having some exposure to the wide world of so many "rights" and "wrongs" I often find myself making amendments to certain of those "rights" and "wrongs" I have defined for myself. But well there are a few I tend to hold very precious and would be devastated if I am to have to find them "wrong".
But nevertheless I tend to live a life of not many regrets, and try my best to follow a path which I would know I would have followed given a chance to choose again. And well my instincts are something I have learned to trust on this. So I continue to follow the path that my instinct tells me.
I often do things because that's what I believe is the right thing to do, and well different people have their own rights and wrongs, and I do accept that and I don't expect others to follow my beliefs. But I follow my heart, my instincts and my sense of righteousness in my actions except when I am confronted with choosing a path where in there is nothing "right", if I am to go forward I have to do "wrong". Then its a choice of the less damaging wrong. Anyway my life is not based on a planned or set path, I rarely plan ahead. I just follow a path as life takes me along, and usually restrict myself to doing things for immediate future. When two roads appear in front of me I follow my instinct and choose the road. And to be perfectly honest the reason I am still doing so is because my instincts have seldom let me down. And by seldom I should be tempted to say only a hand full of times, and those where due to other perfectly natural urges a human being has which the artificiality of the "civilized world" has connoted into a set of "rights" and "wrongs" that cannot be explained to the natural urges. So there where times when my "civilized human mind" could not win against the strength of nature's designs. Hence I have to say such instincts have made me slightly feel regretful of my actions simply because I tend to be confused in certain of my "right" actions, which have been embedded into me by my society and my current social environment. But having some exposure to the wide world of so many "rights" and "wrongs" I often find myself making amendments to certain of those "rights" and "wrongs" I have defined for myself. But well there are a few I tend to hold very precious and would be devastated if I am to have to find them "wrong".
But nevertheless I tend to live a life of not many regrets, and try my best to follow a path which I would know I would have followed given a chance to choose again. And well my instincts are something I have learned to trust on this. So I continue to follow the path that my instinct tells me.
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