Its rare that I get days when my mind is not in a turmoil ... and I am not in a hurry to get anything done ... Unfortunately I couldn't pen down my thoughts on this day, as I guess I was too much at peace to pen down much.
So now I am recollecting from memory, that one cherished day, when I felt at peace to the world, like a traveler who has decided to take a little rest to stretch ones leg during a long journey, without worrying about the distance that needs to be completed, knowing that this rest will help in refreshing and regaining his lost energy, and help him to move ahead with renewed spirits.
Once you stop worrying, and decide that this day will be yours, you are in a state of mind ... which is at peace ... and its rare to feel something like this ... when you cherish yourself and keep a day only for yourself. So I pamper myself, take a long happy oil bath, feel all fresh ... stretch out and read a nice romance ... cry when the heroine of the novel is distressed by being misunderstood and then rejoice when things (as always happens in a romance novel) ends happily ... feeling that its sometimes nice to read a happy book, even though you know how its going to turn out in general, even before you start reading the book.
A little talk with your dear darling room mates, and then get something you crave - probably just a gopi Manchurian (a cauliflower dish - Chinese), which happens to be something I always like. And that makes you have a nice calm, relaxed day ...
Though there wasn't anything "happening" on the day - still the day was Special - just because it was a breath of fresh air in an otherwise hectic lifestyle.

- Friends (56)
Friday, March 25, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Storms - Why is my life full of them?
I always wonder why my life is full of them - is it because I try living it to the max? Or is it because I never fit into the prototype defined by the society I live in? Anyway having the urge not to hurt any of the people I love also adds to the complication that is my life. Its quite not possible to please everybody else and also do what makes you happy. I guess I still have to try for something that would be a good enough compromise for all parties concerned.
I was always a rebel and never liked to be told what to do. Nor do I like someone else defining my boundaries for me. I like to explore the world I live in and to find my own place in it. Which could be difficult in a place where a female still has to fight a lot to be independent when a guy has it forced on him whether he likes it or not. Guess its bad for both parties since a girl who wants to be independent and a guy who wants to be dependent are both at a disadvantage. I guess I have to be fair to both sexes here.
But yes, its a struggle all the way, the path I have chosen. And if someone tries to own me with the wrong approach, he is in for a long hard struggle in which he has very little chances of succeeding ... since I'd rather die than let someone force his will into me.
Why all this out burst now? Well its because I feel destiny is asking me to forget my new found truly madly (and uselessly unidirectional) love, and settle for a marriage to some stranger (yes, the pressures of family, relatives and what not to get me married - arranged of course), which kind of is rubbing me the wrong way. I know no one is at fault here and its how thing work around here. Exactly why the rebel in me finds it irksome.
Guess I am going to be in another of those roller coaster rides again ... and since I don't wanna hurt anybody, I will have to subject myself to the process and be artificial, act like some traditional female which am not, speak little which is very hard for me, and fool another guy with the wrong first impression. Maybe I should just slip him the link to this blog here and he would get the right impression? Who am I kidding ... if its some stuck up guy who is momma's pet he would probably go tell his mom, who would tell my mom, and some relative of mine would find this and force me to put it out of commission - so its just you and me blog.
I guess all this is reason enough for an out burst, and I cant complain - my life is intense - if only because I see it that way every minute and its all in my head.
Most of the people out there have similar or dissimilar - but nevertheless intense problems of their own which may not seem a big deal to me, same as mine may not seem a big deal to someone else. Who is anybody to judge what another perceives ... I guess my way of dealing with it is to express it out here ... Hence these wisps of flashing thoughts as a post ...
I was always a rebel and never liked to be told what to do. Nor do I like someone else defining my boundaries for me. I like to explore the world I live in and to find my own place in it. Which could be difficult in a place where a female still has to fight a lot to be independent when a guy has it forced on him whether he likes it or not. Guess its bad for both parties since a girl who wants to be independent and a guy who wants to be dependent are both at a disadvantage. I guess I have to be fair to both sexes here.
But yes, its a struggle all the way, the path I have chosen. And if someone tries to own me with the wrong approach, he is in for a long hard struggle in which he has very little chances of succeeding ... since I'd rather die than let someone force his will into me.
Why all this out burst now? Well its because I feel destiny is asking me to forget my new found truly madly (and uselessly unidirectional) love, and settle for a marriage to some stranger (yes, the pressures of family, relatives and what not to get me married - arranged of course), which kind of is rubbing me the wrong way. I know no one is at fault here and its how thing work around here. Exactly why the rebel in me finds it irksome.
Guess I am going to be in another of those roller coaster rides again ... and since I don't wanna hurt anybody, I will have to subject myself to the process and be artificial, act like some traditional female which am not, speak little which is very hard for me, and fool another guy with the wrong first impression. Maybe I should just slip him the link to this blog here and he would get the right impression? Who am I kidding ... if its some stuck up guy who is momma's pet he would probably go tell his mom, who would tell my mom, and some relative of mine would find this and force me to put it out of commission - so its just you and me blog.
I guess all this is reason enough for an out burst, and I cant complain - my life is intense - if only because I see it that way every minute and its all in my head.
Most of the people out there have similar or dissimilar - but nevertheless intense problems of their own which may not seem a big deal to me, same as mine may not seem a big deal to someone else. Who is anybody to judge what another perceives ... I guess my way of dealing with it is to express it out here ... Hence these wisps of flashing thoughts as a post ...
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Love Really Is Blind
Its not quite possible to explain things rationally when you are in love ... and this is the time when you start wondering how artificial human beings have become from what they are designed to be.
Lets start with your instinct telling you to love somebody, which your rational mind says is not gonna be a great idea because of one hundred reasons - i.e why in the society we live in, this love isn't going to work out long term or cannot get a chance to fulfill.
Well rational mind is right, but does that change your feeling? No.
From my experience so far, the more you fight you love instincts with logic, the more miserable you become. There really isn't any compromise your heart is going to agree to once it is fixated on giving itself to a person.
So as you can guess, I have the above mentioned issue at the moment. And I guess am through the fighting phase of it. I have finally got it drilled into my head that, girl stop fighting, its of no use.
So now I have resigned to the fact that I am truly, madly (deeply? - don't know how deep - hope not so much) in love. And as it more often than not happens with me, the feelings are not returned (never keeps me from trying again though).
Well, experience does teach you some things, and after giving the dude a real hard time, and taking a lot of humiliation of rejection in the process (well, I did ask for all that), I thankfully went through the storm cycle with lot less loss of health and anguish than any time before.
I guess the anguish lasted as long as took for me to realize forgetting is not an option. And I still respect the guy to no end, and still no change in the truly madly in love part. This in spite of having been constantly shown the door to my profession of love etc etc.
The reason to this could be due to the fact that the guy had my best interests in mind, when he did show me the door. First time in my life, I have felt like someone do care, and did not want to take advantage of the situation. Someone telling me whats good for me, and not whats good for him. He was doing the right thing (for me, more than for him) by saying no. Guess that went a long way in not feeling like shit in spite of the rejection.
The bugging him part, I still couldn't help ... love has no reason, and it likes being expressed, and I always speak my mind. I did reduce it to the max I could, which if he hears (that the bugging was the max restrained one from my end) would give him a heart attack - since the little bugging which I did itself was too much for him to take.
Well still I guess I would continue pining for him for god knows how long. Kinda like every spare moment I think of him, whether I like to or not. So no choice in that. Till I guess someone I have stronger affinity comes along, or my destiny takes a turn and I have no choice but to force myself to move on.
So I have accepted that. Would always hope that someday my feelings will be returned, and that someday wouldn't be too late. But at least I have laid to rest the urge to bug him or to fight the love. And funny enough that has made me more at peace and happier than when I was fighting it.
Is this called selfless love? No idea ... Guess not ... I am just making things as comfortable as possible for myself (like if you are locked in a box you might as well find the most comfortable place in it and save your energy, if you know for a fact there is no way out) ... and this is the best I can do in the current situation ... guess that's all my whirlwind of thoughts have to express for now ...
Lets start with your instinct telling you to love somebody, which your rational mind says is not gonna be a great idea because of one hundred reasons - i.e why in the society we live in, this love isn't going to work out long term or cannot get a chance to fulfill.
Well rational mind is right, but does that change your feeling? No.
From my experience so far, the more you fight you love instincts with logic, the more miserable you become. There really isn't any compromise your heart is going to agree to once it is fixated on giving itself to a person.
So as you can guess, I have the above mentioned issue at the moment. And I guess am through the fighting phase of it. I have finally got it drilled into my head that, girl stop fighting, its of no use.
So now I have resigned to the fact that I am truly, madly (deeply? - don't know how deep - hope not so much) in love. And as it more often than not happens with me, the feelings are not returned (never keeps me from trying again though).
Well, experience does teach you some things, and after giving the dude a real hard time, and taking a lot of humiliation of rejection in the process (well, I did ask for all that), I thankfully went through the storm cycle with lot less loss of health and anguish than any time before.
I guess the anguish lasted as long as took for me to realize forgetting is not an option. And I still respect the guy to no end, and still no change in the truly madly in love part. This in spite of having been constantly shown the door to my profession of love etc etc.
The reason to this could be due to the fact that the guy had my best interests in mind, when he did show me the door. First time in my life, I have felt like someone do care, and did not want to take advantage of the situation. Someone telling me whats good for me, and not whats good for him. He was doing the right thing (for me, more than for him) by saying no. Guess that went a long way in not feeling like shit in spite of the rejection.
The bugging him part, I still couldn't help ... love has no reason, and it likes being expressed, and I always speak my mind. I did reduce it to the max I could, which if he hears (that the bugging was the max restrained one from my end) would give him a heart attack - since the little bugging which I did itself was too much for him to take.
Well still I guess I would continue pining for him for god knows how long. Kinda like every spare moment I think of him, whether I like to or not. So no choice in that. Till I guess someone I have stronger affinity comes along, or my destiny takes a turn and I have no choice but to force myself to move on.
So I have accepted that. Would always hope that someday my feelings will be returned, and that someday wouldn't be too late. But at least I have laid to rest the urge to bug him or to fight the love. And funny enough that has made me more at peace and happier than when I was fighting it.
Is this called selfless love? No idea ... Guess not ... I am just making things as comfortable as possible for myself (like if you are locked in a box you might as well find the most comfortable place in it and save your energy, if you know for a fact there is no way out) ... and this is the best I can do in the current situation ... guess that's all my whirlwind of thoughts have to express for now ...
What is love ?
I guess its a confusing question ... what love is ...
If one person dominates your thoughts night and day, and you feel like your life is
revolving around that person, then does that mean you are in love,
or is it just an infatuation?
I guess that's a good question ...
I keep falling in love, getting a heart break ... again falling in love ...
oh! the confusing life I lead.
The worst part is I cant decide whom I fall in love with,
at least not consciously so far ...
Its a subconscious process, where my biological radar keeps scanning for ideal candidates,
short lists them without even a conscious decision, targets one based on god knows what criteria,
and makes you feel like you have been hit with a cupid arrow, when ever you see the person,
once your subconsciousness makes up its mind.
It never asks the conscious part what it has to say about this ...
And what does this result in? Heartbreak.
And to top that off, you get insulted, degraded etc ...
if you are the bold kind that speaks your mind and go and tell the person how you feel ...
just wonderful I say.
I at times wish that I could fight myself so I can live a peaceful life.
Anyway I guess am back to feeling rejected, lonely and completely distressed that in spite of it all,
I am still very much in love.
I guess its true that when you are in love you feel both extremely high and extremely depressed
at the same time.
Depressing time of my life ... guess life has its highs and lows and
I am at the most turbulent period of my life ...
I just don't understand how I can continue falling in love and
never learn after having never succeeded in it so far ...
Guess some things are just beyond your control and you cant change what you are.
note: originally written on Feb 21, 2011
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