Pammi (
that's my cat) gave birth to three kittens on 12
th march, this month. Since she trusts me and mom very much, she let me touch the baby kittens on the first day they were born itself. They were so tiny, and had closed eyes and it was a wonderful sight. I watched them day after day, saw them staring to move ... open their eyes, make small sounds ... it was really something. They were almost always feeding or sleeping
during the first couple of weeks. Then I saw them walk around more, and when i picked them up they mewed and tried to jump off ... they
don't like being picked up ... :) . But sometimes I take them out of the box ... where they live so they can walk about a bit ... It was in these times that I made certain observations ... The three kittens showed clearly different characters ... though they were born at the same time ...
Two of them are black,gray and white combo ... looks like twins ... but are quite the opposite in character. I
haven't named them yet, so I will call one
Grayey and the other
Blackie as they are more closer to the respective colors ...
Blackie seems to be the reserved kind, who is scared to venture out ... and who seems to be the cautious one ... better safe than sorry goes his motto and he
doesn't trust easily ... he usually moves off to the farthest and darkest corner of the box, wakes up as soon as he hears any noise, and really
doesn't move around all that much ... he is really shy when he does move and rarely moves into
uncharted territory ...
Grayey is another type all together, he is the enthusiast,
doesn't care being picked up much, tries to explore new areas, very restless and the first to jump out of the box and go exploring, a happy one. Not at all cautious. The fun and
frolic one ... he also has the energy about him ... he also wakes up often when he hears noise ... but is always curious to know what the noise is ...
Now we have a third one, which is brown and white, brown tail, a brown patch on the head which looks like she has hair and some few brown spots on her mainly white body ... This one is the always loves food one ... who keeps feeding almost all the time,
isn't particularly scared, and does explore some, but generally not all that much into running around either ... prefers to take her own time and do explore when she is in the mood. She sleeps soundly, and
doesn't wake up when she hears me coming near ... and feeding and sleeping are the two main part of her life so far ...
Three weeks old, and they already have such interesting personalities ... I wonder what it would be like when they become really more active and starts running around ... :).