Well what can I say, when I thought I'd never see any of them again, we at least found the mother cat, ma dearest Pammi ...
The story goes thus, since we were so attached to the cat we asked at a few places whether anyone had seen the cat, mom had also gone for walks and asked people a bit farther off, one of the women she talked with said she had seen a cat similar in description by the road side, and mom was like if it responds to the name Pammi then its our cat, please give her something to eat and give us a call, and gave our number.
Then we got a call on Friday morning, last week, 23rd may ... and mom hurried off in the car and they had locked it in their dog cage after feeding it as they were afraid it would run away ... and when they opened the cage it started to flee, then mom called it "Pammi ... da ... ingu vaa ... Pammi ..." and it stopped and looked at mom uncertainly. Then she managed to coax it and it was still a bit uncertain as to what to do, but finally mom carried it back to the car, and it was all wild on the journey home trying to get out of the car, which we are puzzled about, mite be the kittens were hidden somewhere by him, or just because of a memory of getting lost because he was in the bus.
Anyway once back ... and she was in a really bad state at that ... starving and muddy and frail and thin ... mom fed her, she ate so much ... then mom gave her a bath with dettol soap and later cleaned her with dettol. She was crying around all over the place looking for Browny and the baby kittens ... and it was a real sad sight all week ... but now she is getting better, started going out with the many prospective boy friends ( there is one cat I believe to be Browny's father and another white cat which used to come looking for her even when she was gone ... and many many more, she is never short of options ... ;) ... ). Guess cats forget easily ... a good thing as their life is also short and unfortunately kittens die or go missing ever so often, it would be too much of a heart break if they don't forget ... hmmm ... just thought I'd pen in this wonderful news, of at least finding Pammi!!!
cool post yaar.... i was laughing all d way while reading... u described d cat so nicely.. :-)