I think that as time passes and you see more and more of life, be it a lot more than some, or a lot less than another, you always experience new things, learn to handle those things you once couldn't, achieve new insights into things you didn't understand before, gain new perspectives ...
I am now in a stage, where I believe everything in life - good or bad, taught me something, and well the way I perceive things changes everyday... Some of my experiences that I tried to block out, now I can view in perspective, understand why it was so in a better light ... and not all that I once believed, I now believe to be true...
I now can see that life has more than one path, and there is no right road, just different roads, that show you a different way, there might have been shortcuts you could have taken, but sometimes its better to follow a longer route, if you are not in a hurry. You might lose the road you were trying to follow, when you followed your curiosity and went off to make your own road, but you may still make a path that someone else may find ... if not at least you something not everyone sees.
I sometimes wander in those paths I choose to make, finding new paths, or maybe some long forgotten ones ... but I know that what matters is that I enjoy the road I take, and learn to handle the rough patches, make the most of life, that I do not stand still, because then I see nothing new, and my life sees not what it could see. I would always like to keep moving along, so that I find new road, and see more and more in my one time ticket to this life ...
perfect! I believe, this is one of your best posts ever :)