
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Patterns of Life

My thoughts started running when I started asking myself, how is it someone learns something new? What makes them learn slow or fast? How do we go about learning, conciously or subconciously?

Here are the things I have come to think might be what makes us learn:
One is that we start seeing the pattern that makes sense to us. Lets say we are learning to draw, we see a pattern of how to draw a line so it makes sense for the drawing.

Nature is always symmetric in everything it creates, so we add symmetry to our pattern when we draw nature. We then observe the details, absorb the various patterns involved, the basic shapes and lines we need to learn, how to combine them and so on.

Its always easier to learn anything by learning the smallest bits first. The basic steps involved. The smaller the pieces we break the whole into, the easier it is to learn.

Second comes practice. Each person has a difference in the way they remember things. For some it takes very less repetition to remember but for some it takes a lot. So repetition is one way you can make something a part of your subconcious. Hence by repeating these smallest bits, you can absorb them to be part of you.

Next comes your creativity and courage to experiment with the bits. There are two ways you can learn things, one learn patterns that are handed down to you,or two: make your own patterns. Those who really learn the pattern of life are those who have the courage to try their own patterns.

You can start by learning the patterns handed down to you. Then move on to your own pattern creation. And be open to failures. Your patterns may not be nice initially, but they can always improve as you keep trying.

There is always the part of your ability to grasp things and how much attention to detail you pay, and how hard you want to learn something. The intention matters. And also this intention decides whether you have what it takes to keep trying till you get it right, without giving up when the going gets tough.

So over all learning something requires dedication to the task at hand, and taking it one bit at a time, absorbing that bit into you so that it becomes you, and then once its yours, learning to make your own pattern out of these bits. Then you have truly mastered what you set out to learn.

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